Booking Details
Initial deposit is required in order to secure a booking is required, payment by Paypal, or bank transfer. If the booking is close to check in date we may ask for payment in full
You will recieve an email/text confirmation following receipt of payment
Remainder of balance due on arrival
Arrival is between 1.30pm-6.30pm
We kindly ask that you leave no later than 10.00am to allow us time for the change-over
Please note that prices on external sites can vary to take into account their various commission charges
Moonstone & Magnum Vans - Price is for the whole van (sleeping up to 4 guests).
Weekly Bookings (Saturday changeover)
March - £450 (per week)
Easter holidays - £600
April - £450
May - £450
Holidays (25th May-1st June) - £550
June - £520
Summer Holidays (29th June - 31st Aug) - £600
July - £600
August - £650
September - £510
October - £500
Daily Bookings (Minimum 2 days)
Weekdays - £100
Weekend - £120
Peak Weekend - £130
Late deals available.
Andrew and Nia McCabe
Lon Pant-Y-Gog
Gwynedd, N Wales
LL54 6EA